By Taylor | Published | No Comments
Pennsylvania has a population of 12,807,060. Pennsylvania is located at 41.2033° N, 77.1945° W.
Here are some more facts about Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is 274 km long and 455 km wide and has a total area of 119,282 km2. It is the 33rd-largest state in the United States. Pennsylvania, one of the original 13 colonies of the United States, is known for many things, from its forests to its major cities to its chocolate factories. The state’s largest manufacturing export category is chemicals, which accounted for $8.9 billion of Pennsylvania’s total goods exports in 2018. Also, William Penn settled Pennsylvania.
Now some facts about the capital of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania, it is located at 40°16′11″N 76°52′32″W in South Central Pennsylvania. Harrisburg is known both for its beauty and rich history, having played a major role in the Westward Expansion, the Civil War, and the Industrial Revolution. It has a population of about 50,000
Here are some fun facts about Pennsylvania:
Now some fun facts about Pennsylvania’s capitol:
Places to go to in Pennsylvania
Taylor's the big-time snowboarder of the family. When he's not complaining about doing the dishes, he's coming up with new ways of bugging his sisters.
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