By Gina | Published | No Comments
We’ve been on the road for three weeks now and this is my first post!
The last three weeks have super been exciting, challenging, fun and filled with lots of adventures. But, we have also had some days that have been fairly quite.
Ninety percent of the time we are having lots of fun. There have been a few days when the kids been fighting with each other or arguing with Dennis and I about getting off their computers or other devices.
The kids regularly disagree about writing posts for the blog, picking up a book to read, or working on their math skills in Khan Academy. I know things will get easier as we settle into this new lifestyle and work out all of the kinks.
One of the things I am finding really frustrating is that I will plan a day of adventures, only to have the kids whine about having to come along.
The thing that bothers me the most about this is that I have asked them to find things to do in the area that interests them and they always say no! So, they get to tag along on my adventures. But in the end they all have a good time!
We’ve taken trips to New Holland, PA., Leola, PA., Lititz, PA., Hershey, PA., Allentown, PA., Philadelphia, PA., Nottingham, PA., Oxford, PA., Severna Park, PA., Baltimore, MA., Annapolis, MA., and most recently to Washington, D.C..
Do I regret the decision Dennis and I made about uprooting our family and changing the way we live? HELL NO! I only wish we did it sooner.
I LOVE that we get to spend more time together as a family; watch my kids grow and learn; reconnect with my kids; fall in love with my husband all over again; rediscovered my passion for cooking again and get to share that with my family; I can finally focus on my mental and physical health once again.
The adventure continues!
This is Gina, the multitasking mom extraordinaire on a mission to turn family trips into unforgettable escapades! Armed with a travel checklist longer than her patience for "are we there yet?" questions, Gina is the queen of keeping the chaos under control (mostly).
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