Pennsylvania has a population of 12,807,060. Pennsylvania is located at 41.2033° N, 77.1945° W. Here are some more facts about Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is 274 km long...
Pennsylvania has a population of 12,807,060. Pennsylvania is located at 41.2033° N, 77.1945° W. Here are some more facts about Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is 274 km long...
One thing we’ve learned while on our trip is to not force the kids to go on an outing they don’t want to go on. Just...
Recently (Tuesday, October 14 2019, to be exact) mom, dad, Abby and I wen’t to the Indianapolis Zoo. They have about 1400 different animals from the...
So the other day dad and I went on a little bike ride in Indianapolis. We went on the cultural trail and we saw the monument...
Took a drive up to St. John’s, MI to visit Uncle John’s Cider Mill. They had a bunch of activities for the kids including a corn...